About Us Old

About Us Old

About Us


Jenny was working with a dysregulated client one day during one of her therapy sessions. He would not sit still, had decreased attention, was unable to follow a simple direction and was jumping from activity to activity. Jenny thought weight as an intervention tool would be very beneficial to him to help provide increased pressure to his muscles and joints for better body awareness and calming. When presented with a weighted vest, the boy refused to put it on. In an attempt to change his mind, Jenny attached a cape to the back of the vest and gave him weighted wrist and ankle weights. She even printed out a Superman logo to put on the front. Jenny told him to pretend he was Superman for the rest of the session. He immediately put on the vest and the changes Jenny saw in him were huge! He could sit and attend to a tabletop activity for longer periods, he was much more calm and seemed to know where his body was in space. Jenny saw this idea as a huge opportunity to take the ugly weighted vest and make a fun intervention tool that kids actually would want, seek out and benefit from. Hence how Dress Up to Calm Down was born!

Jennifer Glickstein - Founder


Jenny is a passionate OT who specializes in helping those with sensory and decentralized self regulation. She is dedicated to teaching children how to be more self aware and stay calm for better engagement in daily life activities. Dress up to Calm Down was created for kids to have fun while working on their needs. These costumes provide both sensory and calming benefits as well as opportunities for social interaction and play.
No more Ugly Vests!


Business Operations
Jacob has a background in mechanical engineering and business and once Jenny created the first idea he jumped on putting an action plan into place.